7 resultados para Classification and Regression Trees

em Bulgarian Digital Mathematics Library at IMI-BAS


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This paper presents an approach to development of intelligent search system and automatic document classification and cataloging tools for CASE-system based on metadata. The described method uses advantages of ontology approach and traditional approach based on keywords. The method has powerful intelligent means and it can be integrated with existing document search systems.


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Today, due to globalization of the world the size of data set is increasing, it is necessary to discover the knowledge. The discovery of knowledge can be typically in the form of association rules, classification rules, clustering, discovery of frequent episodes and deviation detection. Fast and accurate classifiers for large databases are an important task in data mining. There is growing evidence that integrating classification and association rules mining, classification approaches based on heuristic, greedy search like decision tree induction. Emerging associative classification algorithms have shown good promises on producing accurate classifiers. In this paper we focus on performance of associative classification and present a parallel model for classifier building. For classifier building some parallel-distributed algorithms have been proposed for decision tree induction but so far no such work has been reported for associative classification.


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This paper proposes a new method using radial basis neural networks in order to find the classification and the recognition of trees species for forest inventories. This method computes the wood volume using a set of data easily obtained. The results that are obtained improve the used classic and statistical models.


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* The work is supported by RFBR, grant 04-01-00858-a


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Systemized analysis of trends towards integration and hybridization in contemporary expert systems is conducted, and a particular class of applied expert systems, integrated expert systems, is considered. For this purpose, terminology, classification, and models, proposed by the author, are employed. As examples of integrated expert systems, Russian systems designed in this field and available to the majority of specialists are analyzed.


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Доклад по покана, поместен в сборника на Националната конференция "Образованието в информационното общество", Пловдив, май, 2010 г.


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Бойко Бл. Банчев - Знае се, че рационалните числа образуват интересни и богати на изчислителни възможности структури като редици на Фарей (Феъри) и безкрайни дървета. Малко внимание се обръща на по-общо, систематично излагане на основните свойства на дробите като множество. Понятия биват въвеждани без обосноваване, някои доказателства са ненужно изкуствени, а почти винаги и едните, и другите като че биват отнесени към една или друга особена структура, вместо към множеството на дробите изобщо. Изненадващо е, че някои същностни твърдения изглежда дори не са формулирани в литературата по теория на числата. Тази статия има за цел да подобри състоянието на нещата в това отношение, като предлага общо, подходящо подредено изложение на понятия и свързани с тях твърдения. Като допълнение са представени бележки върху пораждането на множеството от всички дроби – откритие значително по-старо, отколкото е прието да се смята.